Cats and Kids

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dog Days

Tonight we received a huge scare. Trixie, the dog, got into a bag of rat poison...and ate the whole thing...bag and all.

Husband tried desperately to make the dog throw up by sticking my spatula down her throat. She did throw up a bit but it didn't produce the rat poison which then made husband beleive that perhaps she didn't eat it after all.

In the meantime, I called Tele-Health hotline to inquire about accidental poisoning. Unfortuantely, when I called and got the pre-recorded message before you get to talk to a real person it stated that if you were calling about poisoning you had to call the poison control centre. So I quickly hung up the phone and looked in the phone book for that number. Which, by the way, is NOT listed in the phone book. Don't these people know that I need help now because my dog will die with out!!

I called the Tele-Health line again and explained the situation to the lady. I wasn't calling about a person but my dog. She wouldn't give me the name of the drug that you give kids to make them throw up. Does anyone know what it is?

She did offer me help by directing me to a web site for the spca. On this site it said to give the animal hydrogen peroxide. I told the lady this and she didn't tell me not to. So at the end of our conversation she asked if she was any help, where I got the number, and what would I have done if they were not there to help. I explained that she was a help and if they were not there to help I would have to watch my dog die.

I then quickly grabbed the peroxide and gave it to husband who administered it to Trixie. It did the trick, she went outside and threw up the bag of rat poison. Now my only concern is how much of the poison is in her system. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on her and hope she doesn't cut herself over the next week.

Let's hope everything goes well with Trixie. The kids would be devestated right before Christmas if the pup were to die.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Weird Dream

I had a very weird dream last night.

I dreampt that JAJ (a friend of mine, who is in the process of adopting a baby girl from China) came home with her babies.

In my dream I spoke with her on a Tuesday and the next time I saw her was the following Sunday at church. I went to her burgandy car (she has a blue van) to talk with her in the church parking lot. And there in the back seat of the car was not one beautiful baby girl but two.

She explained to me that they left for China on the Wednesday and returned on the Saturday. What a fast trip!! When they got to China the authorities asked if they would like two babies so JAJ and her husband brought both home. How exciting is that!!

So since they are only adopting one girl that is what makes my dream weird. And the fact that they went there and back in four days.

So, JAJ, don't get too freaked out by my dream. But, then again, what I dream usually comes true :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tooth Fairy

The other night Princess Weah lost another tooth. Our baby is growing fast. Well, she's no longer a baby. She is 11 years old and wouldn't appreciate being called a baby.

She came downstairs to give me her new lost tooth. Being the devoted mother I am, admired the new hole in her mouth and sent her off to bed. Totally forgetting to have Princess Weah put her tooth under her pillow. So now it sits her on the desk in front of me.

The next morning Bryan came into our room for his morning snuggle. I then asked him to go and nicely wake up Princess Weah. I have to stress the word "nicely" or it will be a bad morning for everyone.

He went into her room and did "nicely" wake her and then asked if the tooth fairy was there. She looked under her pillow and said no. He then told her to look under her other pillow. She complied and there to her surprise was four pennies. Amazing, considering the tooth is still on the desk like I already mentioned.

What is even more amazing about the pennies is that neither myself or husband put them there.

It seems the tooth fairy has been replaced by none other than little Bryan. What a thoughtful child he is!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Christmas is Coming!!

I love my days off work!! Today I took S-Mother shopping in a nearby city. Ya know, it's not all that bad taking your mother shopping. All you have to do is walk fast. That way they get tired very quickly and want to go home :)

S-Mother wanted a new leather coat. My responce was "why?". She then tells me that everyone is wearing them. And exactly "who" is everyone? Am I starting to sound like my mother? I think the roles have reversed. oh no!!
After walking through the whole mall looking for the ultimate leather coat she quickly realized that not "everyone" is wearing them because there were none to be had. So she shopped all morning and got one small calendar.

I, on the other hand, got my Christmas shopping started. I love Christmas shopping for the perfect gift for that someone special. As a matter of fact I picked up JAJ gift because she is special. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mom...why did you have my little sister?

Today started out to be good. Right up until 5 minutes ago. I called my sister to ask her about meeting her on Saturday. Like we had discussed a week ago. Now she tells me that I can't come up to her house because she is going on a "house tour" and doesn't know what time she will be home. However, last week we had said that I would either go on the house tour with her or meet her at her home after. Now, she doesn't want me on the house tour because the tickets are $25.00 a piece and my kids would be "bored, and running all over the place" Who said anything about bringing kids? She also gave the excuse that she didn't know what time she would be home and she has the cats this weekend. Oh, and I can't come Friday night because she is going shopping at Home Depot.

And this is the sister that keeps giving me heck and trying to belittle me for not visiting her!!

So, what's a sister to do?
a. give her the number of a great phychiatrist
b. give her the number of a doctor that will prescibe great med's.
c. give a quarter and tell her to call someone who cares.
d. give up
e. keep emailing her every week to make arrangements and then back out if it really does suite her schedule because I've got to clean the litter box.

So, mom, why did you have my little sister? She's let me down again.