Cats and Kids

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dog Days

Tonight we received a huge scare. Trixie, the dog, got into a bag of rat poison...and ate the whole thing...bag and all.

Husband tried desperately to make the dog throw up by sticking my spatula down her throat. She did throw up a bit but it didn't produce the rat poison which then made husband beleive that perhaps she didn't eat it after all.

In the meantime, I called Tele-Health hotline to inquire about accidental poisoning. Unfortuantely, when I called and got the pre-recorded message before you get to talk to a real person it stated that if you were calling about poisoning you had to call the poison control centre. So I quickly hung up the phone and looked in the phone book for that number. Which, by the way, is NOT listed in the phone book. Don't these people know that I need help now because my dog will die with out!!

I called the Tele-Health line again and explained the situation to the lady. I wasn't calling about a person but my dog. She wouldn't give me the name of the drug that you give kids to make them throw up. Does anyone know what it is?

She did offer me help by directing me to a web site for the spca. On this site it said to give the animal hydrogen peroxide. I told the lady this and she didn't tell me not to. So at the end of our conversation she asked if she was any help, where I got the number, and what would I have done if they were not there to help. I explained that she was a help and if they were not there to help I would have to watch my dog die.

I then quickly grabbed the peroxide and gave it to husband who administered it to Trixie. It did the trick, she went outside and threw up the bag of rat poison. Now my only concern is how much of the poison is in her system. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on her and hope she doesn't cut herself over the next week.

Let's hope everything goes well with Trixie. The kids would be devestated right before Christmas if the pup were to die.


Blogger Thumbelina's Mom said...

Can the vet flush out her system?

I was going to suggest hydrogen-peroxide. I know that it makes children vomit if swallowed. Don't ask me how I know.

Did poison control take down your name and number? We are in their system a couple of times...

5:53 AM  
Blogger Lola said...

The hydrogen peroxide worked...she pucked up the bag of rat poison...intact.

Yes, the tele-health took my name and number. That's the first thing they do before anything else.

7:00 AM  

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