Cats and Kids

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Lied

Something great did happen to me today. I just didn't know it until I talked with husband tonight.

This morning dear husband wanted to change the oil in my van. This meant that I had to take the farm van to work this morning. And I hate driving the farm van because it has no heat and is hard to park.

When dear husband was done working on my van he came to work to switch vans with me. Except when he went to start farm van the battery was dead because I forgot to turn the head lights off. You see, the farm van doesn't have an idiot buzzer that lets you know that you left your lights on. So now I'm an idiot.

Dear husbands troubles had only begun because when he tried to use the booster cables in my van he discovered that they had a faulty negative wire. He then had to visit boss hog's house and borrow their booster cables.

He was ready to leave me the farm van and let me deal with it when I finished work. Isn't he a dear!! Boy, am I lucky he was in a good mood!


Blogger Thumbelina's Mom said...

Is it bad of me to laugh?

9:36 AM  
Blogger Lola said...

At me or my husband?

3:13 PM  
Blogger Thumbelina's Mom said...

Does it matter?

4:20 PM  

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