Cats and Kids

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Mom...why did you have my little sister?

Today started out to be good. Right up until 5 minutes ago. I called my sister to ask her about meeting her on Saturday. Like we had discussed a week ago. Now she tells me that I can't come up to her house because she is going on a "house tour" and doesn't know what time she will be home. However, last week we had said that I would either go on the house tour with her or meet her at her home after. Now, she doesn't want me on the house tour because the tickets are $25.00 a piece and my kids would be "bored, and running all over the place" Who said anything about bringing kids? She also gave the excuse that she didn't know what time she would be home and she has the cats this weekend. Oh, and I can't come Friday night because she is going shopping at Home Depot.

And this is the sister that keeps giving me heck and trying to belittle me for not visiting her!!

So, what's a sister to do?
a. give her the number of a great phychiatrist
b. give her the number of a doctor that will prescibe great med's.
c. give a quarter and tell her to call someone who cares.
d. give up
e. keep emailing her every week to make arrangements and then back out if it really does suite her schedule because I've got to clean the litter box.

So, mom, why did you have my little sister? She's let me down again.


Blogger Thumbelina's Mom said...

Well that just stinks! And after you blew me off for Saturday and everything! Kidding. I would:
c. give a quarter and tell her to call someone who cares
But then I'm not as nice as you are. Sorry.

6:30 AM  

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