vet visit
Well Trixie had her first visit to the vet today. I showed up for our appointment right on time..3:15. We didn't get in to see the vet for 45 minutes.
The whole time I sat there with Trixie on my lap. I figured I was safer that way. She is not house broke yet and I didn't want to go through the embarressment of her piddling (or worse yet) on the floor.
Guess what she weighs 22 pounds. So yes, I sat there for 45 minutes with hot, panting dog on my lap.
When we finally got in to see the vet Trixie was very well behaved. No barking, biting or growling. Not even when she got her needle.
The hardest part of the waiting time was two people came in during that time with their dogs to have them put down. The one poor lady was crying..I felt for her and suddenly missed Max. (He was our Shepherd that we put down last April 27th) The next was a man with a collie. He came in with no appoitment to have the dog put down and just walked away, after paying of course. I felt for him too. I think it is cruel of the vets to have you make an appointment to kill your animal. I liked the mans approach. He made up him mind that it was time to put the animal out of it misery and so be it.
Enough of that morbid subject. Trixie is healthy and growing well. We'll see the vet again in three weeks for the booster shot.
Oh by the way. Trixie didn't have any accidents but while I was waiting to pay the bill I had to put her down because she was getting very heavy holding her in my arms. She isn't choke collar trained yet either and strated making throwing up sounds....I had to pick her up again.
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