Cats and Kids

Friday, June 02, 2006

Day Off!!

I'm so glad that I get every Friday off. It is the one day of the week that I can count on to get the 'little' things done.

This morning after dropping the kids off at school I went out to breakfast with a couple of the girls. Not that I needed to eat another breakfast but the pancakes were good....with lots of syrup.

Then I went for my 7 week hair doo. Yes, I have to go every seven weeks. If I can see the gray then what is everyone else thinking? She looks so old....and the wrinkles don't help either.

Today I also started my yearly monitoring of cherry orchards for insects and disease. Yes, I do get paid to look for bugs. Not a bad deal, except I came across the fierest looking wasp that was building a nest in a tree. I'll have to remember not to go back to that location next time. I also saw two deer standing in the middle of the road. I do enjoy driving around and seeing the local wildlife.

I also did some shopping today for a friend who's daughter just had triplets, OY!

Then it was time to pick up the kids from school my day to myself was shot.


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